
Archive for the ‘Leisure’ Category

Try blogging

A “blog” is a personal web site that is similar to a journal in structure. The person can write individual entries about anything–personal events, thoughts, commentary on life, society, or anything else really. A blog is a way for a person to provide his/her own insights on life.  It can deeply personal or the blog could be focused commentary on a particular topic (i.e., music).  If you haven’t realized it yet, THIS is a blog.

On a personal level, the art (or discipline) of blogging can be rather therapeutic. It’s a chance to sort through all the thoughts and emotions that whirl through one’s head and be able to think through them in a logical way. On a more community and/or professional level, blogging can be very informative and enlightening. You can gather a great community of thinkers and debaters which can be a great way to learn more about your area of expertise, begin conversations about current issues, and more. This community can occur easier if you join conversations of other people’s blogs.

Make it a habit. Start blogging every day (no matter how little or how much you have to say that day) for at least a month and see what it does for you.

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As a youth pastor, I often attend student athletics events. Over the years, I’ve come to love high school athletics – especially football, soccer, softball and baseball. There are several reasons that I suggest heading out to watch your local high school teams. First, these are teens that you might actually know. Sure you might know someone or maybe even a few players on a college team, but there’s a good chance that you have connections with most or all of the players on a high school team. And professionals…yeah, right. Second, you don’t have to travel far to see them. Third, they don’t cost much. Most high school athletic events cost between five and seven dollars, or you can purchase an all-sport pass at most schools for under $100. Lastly, as a general rule, high schoolers play sports because they like it. There are no bribes or paychecks available, just pure sport. So head out and support your local team. You might just enjoy yourself.

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Going to a Car Show

Fans of automobiles or not, every person needs to go to a car show at least once in their lifetime. Antique and classic car shows are a great way to connect with the past. It’s true now and has been true since automobile manufacturers began diversifying body styles and makes – vehicles are art on wheels. Think about it: you don’t want to drive something ugly. You want something that mirrors your tastes and personality. Check out the styles of the past! Have you seen the cars from the 50’s and 60’s?! They are rolling sculptures. Or…try out one of the International Auto Shows hosted in all the major cities around the country. You’ll see the future of automotive design and functionality. As an added plus, you will witness all the cars that will never see the road – those absolutely insane or wacky concept cars that border on the ludicrous. If you have any interest in automobiles, a car show is a must.

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